Blog #1 – Learning, Motivation, & Theory
Hey Chantale!
Wow, I really enjoyed reading your blog, thank you for sharing your story about your peaks and valleys about learning. I too had a very similar experience in elementary school, like you, a lot of my report cards would highlight that I was an outstanding student, however digesting the information needed work on. I too was allowed extra time on homework; I would take tests or written reports in a separate room than my other classmates and I would have the aid of a teaching assistant. Unfortunately, I still feel like I have not found my groove when it comes to learning. But fortunately, I feel since taking EDCI335, I have been provided with multiple different avenues, and look forward to exploring them in my future classes.
Hey Lawrence,
I like the simplicity of describing each learning theory here in your blog. I believe that a lot of my professors at UVic take a behaviorist approach to learning, however, I feel like a constructivism and cognitivism approach would be the most beneficial to me.
Hey Sujean!
Wow, I have tried to water ski many times & each time, the person driving the boat would just tell me to “lift myself up”. I guess this is where I assumed you used all your arm strength. I have yet to be able to get myself up, after reading your blog, I am going to try to use more of my leg strength than my arms.
Thank you for sharing your story:)
Blog #2 – Learning Design
Hi Claire!
Thank you for sharing the outline of experiential learning. I really like this approach because it focuses much more on the learner and experience, they will have rather than the direct content itself. I think gathering information at all aspects of learning is the most efficient way to lead to successful transmission of information. David Kolb’s model makes it extremely easy to follow along this learning approach!
Hi Thomas!
I really enjoyed reading your break down of cooperative learning. As much as I may dislike group work at face value, I have grown to appreciate the benefits of working with a group provide. I think the jigsaw example you provided is my most favorite benefit to working in groups. There is something so great about sharing and exploring individual knowledge to then end up with a stronger whole at the end.
Blog #3 – Inclusive Design
Hi Ruth!
I really like the way you have utilized the universal design principles! I plan on taking a course (outside of university) that is all self-paced. I have never taken a course with a structure like that, but I hope it to be beneficial for my learning. I think it is a great aspect to your groups’ learning design!
Hi Chuyi,
I think you did a great job at describing the role interactive learning plays in our learning journey.
I particularly like the fact that interactive learning looks at the process as a whole, not as direct instruction.
Thank you sharing!
Blog #4 – Interaction
Hey Syd,
I really liked reading your blog post on interaction.
After listening to the song you provided about the lobes of the brain, it reminded me of a song my grade 11 math teacher played for us about algebra. After all these years I can still sing the chorus of the song.